Monday, June 1, 2009

I Work At A Senior Citizen's Summer Camp

Sour looking man, looking Betsy up and down as he follows a line of people getting off the train and onto her bus:
"We got ourselves a lady driver?"

Betsy, immediately feeling defensive: "Well you've got me unless you want to walk"

Man, stopping the line and irritating everyone behind him: "Did you remember to check the transmission?"

Betsy, in a high voice: "Whats a transmission?"

Man, getting a little sparkle in his eye: "Oh thats smart, I do have a question for you before I get on your bus"

Betsy, tired of answering questions for old men getting on her bus: "And whats that sir?"

Man, gearing up for a good one: "Whats the difference between a brunette and a garbage can?"

Betsy: "I bet your gonna tell me"

Man, already proud of himself: "The garbage can gets taken out at least twice a week".....

and up he goes.


Miriam said...

If you weren't getting paid I would have kicked him...I'm happy you were able to exercise self control and not kick him.

Idaho Rob said...

Wow, I'm telling Sarah that joke as soon as she gets home from work. Thanks Betsy!!

Eric said...

Thank heavens I married a redhead. I for one can't wait to get old and make sexually-laced comments at girls and get away with it.