Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Well, it was a success! We raised enough money to pay for 600 Measles Vaccines for kids around the world and taught my uncle how to play Guitar Hero. Go us!


Idaho Rob said...

Glad you had a happy birthday, but who is the tall hunk in the gray hoodie?

Daniel said...

No one knows, we don't have the technology

Daniel said...

Unicef=amazing party. Who would have thought that saving children could be so much fun. Perhaps we could have a saved a few more had we not purchased a helium tank for the balloons. Ahh...who am i kidding it was totally worth it to hear Darrin at the end of the night in his high pitched voice. and betsy...no pic of me and my new best friend Robert. i am disappointed.

Callen "Lewis by Trade" Cooney said...

Darin would... Your Dad is a guitar hero killa and now your uncle, I always miss the fun stuff. Nice poster...a step up from the jones soda, wouldnt you say? Maybe you will start a new trend with birthday parties and saving the world(now that it seems so fun)

STEVEN said...

I am just adorable!!

Callen "Lewis by Trade" Cooney said...

true that steve!

Anonymous said...

we still should have bought the lactating cow, dehydrated water, or taught the africans to fish --maybe next year.