Wednesday, October 28, 2009

on enjoying the journey

There is snow covering the pretty yellow leaves that have not even had a chance to fall completely to the ground yet. Why the hurry? Why do we have to run to the destination called winter or next week or next year or grad school or marriage or career or house or children? Today I wish the snow would have a little patience and let the leaves dry up and fall down before it takes its place on the branches. Today I would like to give the leaves their moment.


eric said...

While I agree with your sentiment and understand the feelings of progression and guarding, I want winter to come as soon as possible. The faster winter is over, the faster the Laura pig has piglets!

Idaho Rob said...

Amen Betsy...How am I supposed to wear my provacative Halloween costume if I will be prone to catching the cold? or swine flu?
Plus with ice on the water how are big D and I gonna be able to get on the water in November???? Huh, explain that one to me!

Cari said...

Nice. Looks beautiful!!
PS and I've been missin you. Bought time you posted something!

Callen "Lewis by Trade" Cooney said...

A.Happy to read your blog again
B. Love the drapes and the little clipy clip in your window... :)
C. So jacked up to see you
D.You kick A$$