Saturday, April 4, 2009

On Braving Yoga Class

All in the name of energy and centeredness
I sheepishly peak my head into the salty Yoga room
for the third time,
finally walking my black stretch pants in.
Looking around, pretending I've been here before I see others remove their shoes,
I remove my shoes.
Dark haired girl in the front finds a mat and black block from a hidden closet,
I get a mat and a block.
Lights dim, chimes arise from the grill of the speakers and I sit.

Find your hidden cobra,
I wiggle over on my stomach looking to my left and my right.
Leap into down dog,
Drop into up dog,
Counter-intuitive but I'm willing to try, butt in the air, feet sliding off the mat.

Rolling, stretching, breathing,
feeling happy I don't breath as loud as baldy over in the corner with his short shorts and tube socks.
Focus Betsy, he can breath as loud as he pleases,
In this place there is freedom.
In this place I breath.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love your poems and i'm glad are blogging again. you have a gift and i love that i get to benefit from it. do you like yoga??!!? I've been debating about trying to out recently . . . love you!!!